Ameba A: «Hai sentito che il Governo ha deciso di reintrodurre la pornotax?»
Ameba B: «Sì, certo. Adesso rimane solo da capire se per il Fisco “le dimensioni contano”!»
Ameba A: «Hai sentito che il Governo ha deciso di reintrodurre la pornotax?»
Ameba B: «Sì, certo. Adesso rimane solo da capire se per il Fisco “le dimensioni contano”!»
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
You are welcome.
If you click on the Union Jack, you will get only the articles in English language. I do not publish any article in both languages, but I wrote in Italian articles intended for Italian audience, and in English articles intended for worldwide one.
You may want also to try the Google Translation button in the navigation bar, on the left side, but consider that automated translation can be really poor for long articles.
Feel to comment in your language any article, anyway, both Italian and English ones.